Walpole High School Parent Advisory Council
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Walpole High School (WHS) Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) By-Laws
Enacted April 29, 2015
The PAC is an organization of all parents and guardians, and serves as an open forum for sharing ideas and discussions of school related issues, encourages parental participation, and supports and enhances the educational process at WHS.
Keep parents informed about the school and needs of the students.
Represent the needs and concerns of WHS to system and town-wide representatives as well as to any school-related groups and committees.
Offer speakers and discussion groups on topics of interest.
Provide parent volunteers to support selected activities.
Recognize personal or professional events and accomplishments of staff and students.
Raise funds to implement the above goals.
PAC is open to all parents and guardians of WHS students.
The school principal serves as an advisor and staff liaison. Staff members are welcome to attend meetings.
PAC will have a Steering Committee consisting of not more than four, nor fewer than two members. It may consist of a Chairperson or persons, a Secretary and a Treasurer.
PAC Steering Committee in conjunction with the Principal shall schedule PAC meetings. Any changes to the schedule shall be publicized at the earliest convenience.
The budget will be reviewed at the end of the school year. PAC will develop and vote on a budget each year based on the goals and objectives for that year.
Allocations of funds will be guided by suggestions from staff and parents.
A majority vote of members at a meeting may approve expenditures not in the budget.
Unexpected expenses not anticipated in the budget may be approved by a majority vote of the Steering Committee.
Committees will be formed as needed to implement PAC objectives.
Requests for topics to be included in the agenda should be submitted to the chairperson(s) prior to the meeting date.
Parents unable to attend meetings are encouraged to express opinions through another member or the Steering Committee.
Fund raising events will be approved by a majority vote of those present, in cooperation with the school principal and in accordance with the School Committee guidelines.
Amendments to this document may be made at any time by a majority vote of those present at a meeting, provided the proposed change has been publicized in advance of the meeting at which the vote will take place.

Click Here for Amazon Link
Walpole High School has signed up with Amazon.com as an Amazon Associate to share their profit. If you plan to shop at Amazon simply access their website by clicking on the Amazon link on the WHS site, a portion of your sale will be returned to Walpole High School. There will be no additional cost to you, and your order will remain completely confidential at Amazon.
What is Scrip?
Scrip is simply a word that means "substitute money" - in other words, scrip cards are gift cards from national and local retailers, same as you would buy at the store. Many popular retailers participate in our scrip program including Stop & Shop, CVS, L.L. Bean, the 99 restaurant, Dunkin Donuts and many, many others. Most can be used online as well as in the stores.
How does buying Scrip Gift Cards Help WHS?
It's simple -- You buy the cards for full face value, and the WHS PAC gets a percentage back from the scrip company. The percentage varies by vendor, but can be as much as 18%. Use them as gifts, donations, or for your own shopping needs.
Which retailers participate in this program?
The attached form (SCRIP Order Form) is a very small sampling of the retailers that participate. To see a full list of retailers, visit the Scrip website at www.glscrip.com, then click "retailer list" on the left-hand side. If you see something you would like to order, just add it to "additional choices" at the bottom of the order form.
How do I Order my Scrip Gift Cards?
It's easy! Just complete the attached form and return your order (along with a check payable to WHS-PAC) to the high school main office in an envelope marked "SCRIP PAC". Be sure to specify how you would like to get your cards - they can be sent home with your student or picked-up at the office. Remember, they are activated gift cards, i.e. cash, so they are not replaceable if lost.
Order using the online option - Go to www.shopwithscrip.com and use the enrollment code for the Walpole High PAC. If you choose to setup presto-pay option, your account will automatically be debited by Great Lakes or you can still pay by check. Your order will be processed and either sent home with your student or picked-up at the office by the school order return date.
Families enrolled in presto-pay can also order ScripNow and reloadable cards anytime and have them automatically delivered via email.
Click HERE for Scrip Order Form
Walpole High School is partnered up with gphomestay, an educational service company that provides quality homestays for international students who attend American high schools across the country.
We plan to extend the opportunity to study at WHS to up to five international students for the 2014-15 academic year. For this reason, we are searching for caring families who would be willing to open their home to an international student. Our students enjoy getting involved in sports and clubs like all students and learning more about American culture. This is also a great opportunity for your family to learn more about a different culture and way of life.
Host families receive a stipend of $5,000 for the academic year to cover any costs that arise with an extra person living in the home. Students and host families also have ongoing support from a local Residential Coordinator.
You are welcome to host a student for one or two semesters, and there is always the possibility of choosing to host again the following academic year. Our students typically study in the United States with the intention of graduating from an American high school.
If you are interested in becoming a host or looking for more information, please visit our Website at www.gphomestay.com, or directly fill out an application: http://www.gphomestay.com/Application.html.
You may also contact Walpole Residential Manager, Oscar Frias, directly at (781) 996-0773, or at ofrias@gphomestay.com.